Sunday, 11 September 2016

Weekly Summary: 2nd Week Of September

Yo yo yo guys here is another lil summary post in case you've missed a video on my channel this week. I mean obviously you don't have to watch them but here they are lol!

August Favourites

I think you guys all know what favourites videos are by now! But this time I shared quiiiite a few little random favourites so it's not the typical favourite video haha!

Balancing School And Youtube Advice

And then I thought it would be a good ok idea to share a bit of advice (omg please don't listen to all my life advice though I'm a mess). The theme of this video was balancing school and youtube because I've have been balancing school and youtube for almost 3 years so I picked up a few tips on how to do it. 

So ta-da that's this week's post. The song of the day is Lush Life by Zara Larsson because I love her like guys I actually love her! Thanks for reading,

Izzy K xxx

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

The Blogger Recognition Award

I've been trying really hard to spend more time on my blog, so I was really excited to hear that the amazing Lou nominated me for the blogger recognition award. She has an amazing blog, and posts regularly so please check out her blog if you haven't already! Thank you so much for nominating me for this post. 

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Write a post to show your award
2. Acknowledge the blogger who nominated you
3. Give a brief story about why you started blogging
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers
5. Nominate 15 other bloggers/blogs for the award

Why I started blogging

I started blogging as a way to put my creative content online, and build up my confidence whilst doing so. In November 2013 I started a youtube channel and I really really wanted youtube to play a huge role in my life. However, I couldn't post more than a couple of videos because I just became far too nervous to talk to a camera. So then I found out that a lot of the youtubers that I watched started out by writing blogs, and then moved on to youtube. At first I was doubtful that blogging would be for me since I'm not the strongest writer, but after publishing my first post I instantly fell in love with it.

Two pieces of advice to new blogger

I always give the same two pieces of advice to aspiring bloggers:

  • Be yourself- It's obvious from a mile away when you're trying to copy another blogger. People enjoy getting to know the people behind the blog, so sharing your own personality will just make people want to come back for more (hopefully!). Also, by posting things that you genuinely enjoy, your passion will come across in your blog and make it more enjoyable to read. Please don't feel like you have to talk about a certain topic or genre, just because every other blogger seems to be doing it. 
  • Make friends- the blogging community is a really tight group of people once you're in it, and it definitely feels like a little family. I always recommend joining blogging communities such as Beau Bloggers, making a Bloglovin account where you can follow fellow bloggers, and promoting your blog on social media such as Twitter where others can get to know your blog

The people I nominate (sorry if you've already been nominated, I understand if you don't want to do it again):

So there was the blogger recognition award and I had a lot of fun writing it. The song of the day is Mr Brightside because I just happen to be listening to it at the moment. I hope you have a lovely day,

Izzy K xxx

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Weekly Summary: 1st Week Of September

Hey everyone today I'm back with another summary post where I talk about what I posted on my channel this week.

The first video I posted was a haul with all the things I brought in Germany. I got some new clothes, jewellery and, of course, makeup! I personally had a lot of fun filming this video, because I love chatting away to the camera, so I hope you enjoy watching. I also did a really, really serious try on in this video, so look out for that ;)

The second video, which I posted today, was my Dublin vlog. If you didn't already know, it's basically been my dream to visit Dublin my whole entire life. We did a lot of sight seeing because we wanted to see as much of the beautiful city as possible and we were able to see a lot. Again I hope you enjoy watching because its one of my favourite vlogs yet!

Thank you so much for reading this post, and possible watching the videos. The song of the day is Count On Me by Bruno Mars. What have you been up to this week?

Izzy K xxx