Thursday, 18 September 2014

Thoughts on Sixth Form...So Far

Now that I've been at Sixth form for almost 3 weeks I've decided to share my initial views on it so far. You can read about my first day here.

Sixth form is completely different to secondary school. Many people told me that before I started, but as I'm studying my A-levels at the same place I thought that it would feel the same. However there are many differences.

The first major difference is that the step up from GCSE's to A-level is huge. On top of studying difficult subjects in the classroom, we're expected to do at least an extra hour of work for each lesson at home. For example, if I had 5 lessons one day I would have to do an extra 5 hours of homework just to make sure I don't fall behind. I really don't know  how I'm going to manage. THERE ARE ONLY 24 HOURS IN A DAY PEOPLE!

I hope I wont have too much work that I 
don't have time to blog :(

The second difference is that I'm enjoying my subjects a lot more (despite all the stress). Even though I could chose some of my options for GCSEs, I was still forced into a classroom to do subjects like Maths and English. Now I'm only studying subjects that are interesting to me and I find my timetable much more enjoyable.

I am now treated more grown up too. I love this because I've spent my whole life being patronised for being small. It's great because I'm no longer treated like a 2 year old and I actually feel responsible.

Another reason why I feel more responsible is because you get more freedom. We are allowed to leave the site from lunchtime on wards (if we don't have a lesson). Nothing beats the feeling of having a free period in the afternoon and walking home at lunchtime. Especially when I know my sister, who's still at school, is stuck there for the rest of the day haha!

So there we are. The main differences between school and sixth form that I've spotted. I definitely know that my thoughts will change during exam season, but for now I'm actually quite enjoying going in. 

Thanks for reading and I hope everyone else is enjoying school/work. The song of the day is Losing Sleep by John Newman because I've been losing quite a lot of sleep. I blame my messed up sleeping patterns and the fact I have to get up early again.

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