For Autumn, what is your...
1. Favourite thing about it?
I love the mood. Everyone has just settled into their new year, whether that be a new year at work, school or university. It's such a chill season, known for making you want to drink lots of caffeinated drinks, and sit by the fireplace snuggled up under a blanket.
2. Favourite drink?
I'm a huge Costa fan, and my go to order at this time of year is a soya mocha. With extra chocolate sprinkles of course!
3. Favourite scent/candle?
Gah this question is really making me miss my candle collection, since I'm not allowed them at uni! I love yankee candles, especially any of them that have cinnamon in them!
4. Best lipstick?
Throughout Autumn or in general? Either way my favourite lipstick is Glastonberry by Charlotte Tilbury!
5. Go to moisturizer?
I actually reviewed it on my other blog (which you can check out here) and it's the Pixi H2O skin drink. It literally is the most hydrating thing you can possibly imagine and it's changed my life, no exaggeration!
6. Go to colours for the eyes?
Anything from the Morphe 350 palette is my absolute dream Autumn shade. Every colour in the palette just work so well together and I love creating new looks with this colour selection.
7. Favourite music or band/singer to listen to?
I love sitting down and listening to chill music. My go to singer has always, and will always be Ed Sheeran, particularly his Divide Album.
8. Favourite outfit to wear?
Fuzzy jumper, treggings and Chelsea boots.
9. Autumn treat?
Gingerbread men. Sainsbury's pack of mini 30 gingerbread men have been my absolute faves lately. I'm ashamed to say how many hundreds of them I have eaten over the last couple of months!
10. Favourite place to be?
In cities, walking along the streets in the evenings. I just love being in cities, especially when it's dark outside, but all the lights are lighting the streets up and autumn leaves are falling all around you.
Izzy K xxx