Tuesday, 30 August 2016

My A Level Results- Am I disappointed?

If you've been reading my blog at any point during the last 2 years, chances are that you've seen me talk rant about A Level exams and the stress that comes with them. And since I feel like a lot of you have been on this journey with me, I thought it's only fair to actually share how they ended up going.

To cut the long story short, I would describe my sixth form experience as "simply dreadful". Don't get me wrong, I had a really tight group of friends who I'm so grateful for, and the majority of teachers were extremely supportive. Nevertheless I couldn't help feeling that I was completely on the wrong path throughout my entire time doing A Levels.

Not only did I feel like I was doing the wrong thing with my life at sixth form, but I also felt like I was preparing to go down the wrong path. Almost everyone I knew was applying to university, and since I didn't exactly have a "plan" for what to do after sixth form, I felt an enormous pressure to apply too. I ended up applying for a Psychology degree, for which I needed ABB to get a place.

I swear this is all I said to my friends throughout the 2 years of A levels

I really don't want to go into too much detail about my sixth form itself, but what I will say is that they put a crazy amount of pressure on their pupils and basically brainwashed everyone into thinking that they should be disappointed if they don't come out with straight A's. I witnessed countless numbers of panic attacks whilst being there, and now because of personal reasons I completely disagree of the morals behind the way they run the sixth form. Needless to say I was under a great deal of stress whilst being there. Like to the point where I had to take 2 different types of medication to deal with stress, and I could barely make it through all of my lessons each day (even if I didn't have a full day) without feeling physically sick. 

It got to the point in the Christmas holidays at the start of the year where I actually didn't think I could bring myself to go back there. I used to cry and cry and cry to the point where I thought I would run out of tears and I just thought I couldn't take it anymore. I was practically on my hands and knees begging my mum not to let me go back there because I didn't have the strength to face another day there. All in all my sixth form experience (minus my wonderful friends of course) was really shit. And by the time the exams rolled around I was so physically exhausted from not being able to sleep more than a couple of hours, if at all, due to complete panic. I honestly think a monkey with no arms would have done a better job at sitting my A levels than me, considering the shattered state I was in!

This was meeeeeeeeeeeeee

Despite all that I still didn't drop out and sat the exams. Even though all my concentration was focused on my exams and all I did when I got home was revise, I still couldn't bring myself to stay awake during the exams. And let me tell you, trying to write essays when you're physically falling asleep in the exam hall is damn near impossible. I can honestly with all my heart say I tried my hardest for these exams, but it was just devastating getting to the actual exams knowing I had no motivation or energy left. 

So you may be wondering what I got overall for my A Levels so let me tell you:

  • German: A
  • Psychology: B
  • Chemistry: D
  • RE: D
  • Biology (AS): D

As you can probably tell, my grades weren't exactly what I needed to get into university this time around. And as crazy as that may sound to some people; I couldn't be happier!

You see, I'd be lying if I said I had my heart set on university. Even though I find psychology insanely interesting, I don't feel like at this point in time it's something that I want to pay £9,000+ a year to study. I really need to take the time to decide what exactly it is I want to do, and by me not actually getting in it's saved me a job by not having to decide whether to go or not to go. (wow I couldn't have made that sentence more confusing!)

So in summary, even though my grades weren't amazing I literally couldn't be happier with them. Since I technically passed all of them and I taught myself German, I feel like they are decent enough. And plus I really need the time to decide if uni is for me in the first place. And considering I really wasn't in the right state of mind whilst doing them, I'm just so happy I was able to get through them.

This is probably the longest post I've written in a while so I'll be amazed if anyone's made it up to here. The song of the day is Lush Life by Zara Larrson. If you had any exam results recently how did they go?

Izzy K xxx

Sunday, 28 August 2016

Weekly Summary Post: 4th Week Of August

To keep this post simple, I thought I'd just say that the videos I posted this week all have the same theme. They're about my holiday in Germany this year.

In the first vlog we landed in Germany, had a bit of a walk around a forest and ate a lot. Then, pretty soon after, we visited my uncle in Switzerland so I vlogged a few of our adventures whilst we were over there. And because my uncle lives on the border of Switzerland and France, we decided to pop into France for a day too. So needless to say we did a bit of traveling whilst we were there lol.

In the second vlog we went to one of my favourite places in the world, Europa Park. This is basically the coolest theme park I've ever been too, especially the restaurant and you'd see why in the vlog. Then we headed back to Germany and did a spot of sight seeing.

So that was my time in Germany, I really hope you enjoyed watching. The song of the day is Send My Love by Adele. Did you go anywhere nice for your Summer holidays? Let me know in the comments below, 

Izzy K xxx

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Weekly Summary: August Week 3

Hey guys,

It's very late on a Sunday evening, but I'm still determined to get this post on time. And I just thought I'd share my excitement because I'm sooooooooooooo excited to finally go to Dublin tomorrow because it's been literally like my life long dream to go. So without further ado let's get onto what this post is actually about.

Here's all the videos you may have missed on my channel this week:

In case you didn't already know, going to Summer In The City was like the best thing I've ever done. It boosted my confidence both in my channel and myself, and made me the happiest I could possibly be. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat and I think it's by far my favourite vlog on my channel.

Next I decided to show you guys raw footage of my awkwardness and do the stripped down challenge. So here's me rambling about some of my thoughts on my channel without makeup or editing.

Thank you very much for reading, the song of the day is Cooking By The Book from Lazy Town because, well... don't ask actually! How has your week been?

Izzy K xxx

Friday, 12 August 2016

Summary Whilst I Was In Germany

I recently started a series on my blog called "Weekly Summary" where I basically catch you guys up on what's been going on on my YouTube channel throughout the week. My intentions were to carry this series on whilst I went on holiday for the last 3 weeks. However I couldn't figure out how to link videos in my posts on the mobile app because I'm such a little technical genius, so here's my little catch up post on what you may have missed whilst I was on holiday.

Just F.Y.I I went to Germany for 3 weeks to visit family and had such a lovely time as usual. I made sure to vlog my holiday too and I'm super excited to share it with you guys once the vlogs are finished and ready to go!

I had to prefilm A LOT before I went away so I'm sorry if they don't seem like the best of quality but I promise you as of this point I'll be putting 110% into all my vids. But here are the videos I've been posting since I was away:

One of the first videos I posted on my channel was 25 Facts About Me and since that was a good few years ago I thought it was time to make an updated one. The first one wasn't the best of quality and it's really embarrassing to look back on but its still up on my channel for the lols. Anyway, should any of you want to find out more about me you can now!

I had an insane amount of fun filming this video with one of my best buddies in the world Rachel. I totally think she's already a natural beauty guru. We decided to pick up a few cruelty free items for my first ever haul video and we had a lot of banter whilst filming.

You may already know that I have a series on my channel called "Izzynterviews" where I intereview 3 youtubers who I've been loving. The youtubers for this month were WinteryGarnet, ThatTaneesha, and Rainbow-Rose Blossom, and I adore every single one of their channels!

The next video is also a collab. My friend Ashley from AMBstyles organized a giant collab and I was very honored to take part. The theme of the collab was "Summer" and I had a lot of fun filming this video.

I've been loving quite a few things this month (or should I say last month now) and here's a video I made about it.

I think you guys all know I'm a silly person. That's why I couldn't just make an ordinary house tour video, I needed to put a twist on it!

I think I've talked this topic to death now, but I've decided to take a GAP YAH! Because I have absolutely zero idea of what to do with my so-called life. 

And finally, my latest video that actually went up yesterday while I was at sitc. Grab your sunglasses, it's  a VERY glowy Summer makeup look because my obsession lately has been highlighter (in case you couldn't already tell by all my other videos)

So that's absolutely everything I posted whilst I've been away. And I just wanted to say sorry if I haven't been as active as I could possibly be on youtube and reply to comments and watching other people's videos etc. I've tried to stay on top of things as much as possible, but I also wanted to spend a lot of time with friends and family in Germany since I only see the once a year. 

The song of the day is Sexy And I Know It by LMFAO because it's literally just come on on my spotify playlist. Oml what even is my music taste?! What have you guys been up to this Summer? I'd love to know in the comments,

Izzy K xxx