In case you're wondering, "Izzynterview" is a combination of the words "Izzy" and "interview" because that's what this collab series will be. Every month I'll be interviewing a youtuber (all though I think I'll be upping it to 3 youtubers per video to support more people) and we'll both think of questions and answer them in our own videos. I'm trying to do this as fair as possible, starting with the people that I promised literally ages ago that I'd do a collab with them.
Here's the video explaining what I'm doing about collabs
For today's Izzynterview I've collabed with the absolutely gorgeous, wonderful Katie Barnett. She's most definitely one of my best friends here on youtube and I'd definitely class her as a real life friend too because the banter we have is off the scale!
I hope you enjoy my version of the collab
She makes amazing videos including: makeup tutorials, reaction videos, vlogs and much much more. I can't even stress to you how lovely she is as a person and she is honestly such an hilarious person. She could literally make a video about toilet paper and she'd still have me in absolute stitches about it. Please check out her amazing, amazing channel if you haven't already!
So I hope you like the idea of my collab series, I'm really trying my best to do it as fairly as possible and I'm seriously gutted that I won't be able to get round everyone that I want to collab with. The song of the day is Wake Up by The Vamps because when this song came out, I tweeted about it and Katie replied and that's when the true banter kicked off! I hope you enjoy watching,
Izzy K xxx