Sunday, 29 November 2015

What's Going On With My Blogs?

In today's post I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that my blog quality has kinda been going down hill lately and I'm fully aware of that. I honestly do apologize because this blog was always something that I was so proud of maintaining, but lately I feel like it's just been a bit meh...

Couldn't resist using this gif #sorrynotsorry

Firstly, this blog, Izzy K, has just literally been links to my youtube channel. I've been putting most of my energy on my videos lately, mainly because they take so long to make. I really miss the days where I used to post multiple times a week on here, but due to A-Levels I don't really have time for it anymore. 

Also, on my other blog, Izzy K:Reviews And More, I feel like my posts haven't been as detailed as they used to be, they're not as creative as they used to be and also I need to work on my photography skills. 

And another thing that I've started to do is fall behind on reading blogs. I absolutely love supporting other bloggers, but it's been waaaay to long since I've even been on bloglovin. And I of course want to be able to support my loves over at Beau Bloggers as much as possible but I just feel like I haven't been doing that lately. 

Anyway, now that my little rant about my own blogging skills is over, I thought I'd share with you the improvements that are yet to come. Stay tuned for:

  • Blogmas- I think every blogger ever gets excited at this time of year because the countdown to Christmas has begun. I'm gonna take a little breather from this blog until the 1st of December and then BAM, I'm gonna hit you with a post everyday until Christmas!
  • Less frequent but better quality posts on Izzy K: Reviews And More- I'm gonna do my monthly Q&As still and maybe a few festive posts on there throughout December, but for now I'm still gonna focus my blogging energy on Blogmas to make the most out of my posts.
  • More creative posts: I'm really working on doing more original content and continuing some of the series that I've started.
  • New blog theme- This will be happening in the new year and I'm soooo excited for it. I've been meaning to make my blog look a bit more professional for a while and I think a new theme is essential to be able to do that. 
  • Being part of a bigger blogging community- I absolutely love getting to know new bloggers and learning more about their lives. I'm gonna reach out to more bloggers on bloglovin, twitter and hopefully through the blogging community, Beau Bloggers.

So there was my explanation for what's been going on lately on my blog and I do hope you accept my apology for slacking lately. I also hope you're gonna stick by me as I post my new content, I'm really excited to share it with you. Thank you so much for reading, the song of the say is Hello by Adele and can I just say I'm so chuffed that she's back in business! What are you looking forward to in December? 

Izzy K xxx

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Let's Talk About Mental Health: Video Edition

I've mentioned a few times on my blog that a subject I feel really really passionately about is mental health. A few months ago I started sharing my thoughts about the topic on this blog, and now I want to start incorporating the topic into my youtube channel. 

Here is the video. I hope you like it :)

The first post I wrote about this topic was called Let's Talk About Mental Health where I explained that it was essential to raise awareness for mental health, and eliminate the negative stigma attached to it. Please check out that post if you want to know more about why I'm standing up for the topic. Since I'm growing a wider audience on my channel now I thought it would be important to share my message there. 

I've also written about a mental health charity that I think do amazing work called SANE. In summary, they have many helplines where you can seek for help, forums where you can share your own experience and the Black Dog Tribe which is a dedicated social network community for mental health. 

And if you missed my other posts, I looked online for some mental health organisations and helplines in case you need support. I truly hope you're not suffering from any mental health issues but if you are please don't hesitate to seek help. 

  • Sane (mental health charity). Phone:  0300 304 7000
  • Mind  (mental health charity). Phone: 0300 123 3393
  • Rethink (mental health charity). Phone: 0300 5000 927
  • Beat (eating disorder charity). Phone: 0845 634 1414
  • OCD Action (support for people with OCD). Phone: 0845 390 6232
  • OCD UK (charity for people with OCD) Phone: 0845 120 3778
  • No Panic (charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks). Phone: 0844 967 4848 
  • Anxiety UK (charity providing supporting people with anxiety). Phone: 08444 775 774
  • Depression Alliance (support for people with depression) 
  • The Quite Place Project, Thoughts Room. (anonymous venting)  
(Also, if you have anything else you'd like to add please let me know in the comments)

Mental health issues are an awful thing to have to suffer from, but it's worse to have to go through them alone. There are millions and millions of people across the world that suffer from them so please be assured that you are not alone. And also remember that there are ways to seek help, and that there are people out there that can and will help you. If you have no one to talk to please remember that you can also leave me a comment on my blog or contact me through social media if you feel like you have no one to talk to.

I hope you found my video useful, it's the first of many related to mental health that will feature on my channel. Also, if you have specific requests of mental health related topics that you would like me to cover, I'll do my best to educate myself on that topic and make a video on it. The song of the day is Shine by Take That because I was just listening to it lol! I really hope I did this topic justice, thank you so much for reading. 

Izzy K xxx

Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Friday Night Routine

Yep that's right, it's another link to one of my videos. I really need to stop posting just videos on this blog, and I promise that will happen soon so look out for that!

I hope you enjoy watching! 

This Wednesday's video is... My Friday Night Routine. In hindsight I probably should have posted this on a Friday but since Wednesday is my upload day I'm sharing it today. 

Now I have to mention that I have no idea if I'm actually being serious or not in this video. Like I do do (haha dodo) all these things in my evenings and it's not really exaggerated, but I could have put in a bit more effort to make it more serious. But I suppose since it's my channel I should just share my weirdness because you guys will come across it sooner or later anyway.

So there you are, I hope you enjoyed my video. The song of the Day is Jealous by Nick Jonas because I've had it stuck in my head pretty much since the Radio 1 Teen Awards! What do you get up to on a Friday night, let me know in the comments! 

Izzy K xxx

Sunday, 15 November 2015

Radio 1 Teen Awards

I literally can't believe that I won a Radio 1 teen award, it's a dream come true! Okay I'm totally joking I didn't win, but I still had the privilege of going and watching and here is my amazing experience:

I really hope you enjoy my second ever concert vlog!

We got the train into Wembley only to discover that the shopping centre just outside the arena had a Nandos. Well I think it's pretty obvious where we had lunch! 

Cheeky Nandos + Friends + London + Concert = Perfection!

Before the doors were opened, the acts had to arrive and everyone was lined up by the red carpet and around there to watch the celebs come out their cars. Unfortunately we didn't see much since the car windows were blacked out and the cars pulled over too far forward so we couldn't see who was stepping out the car. However, we were still able to see the cars with the celebs drive past and (try not to be too jealous) the legs of the celebs on the red carpet under the barrier. 

I personally think the line up was incredible. The acts who performed were All Time Low, Nick Jonas, Little Mix, 5SOS and the surprise act was Justin Bieber. My friends weren't too chuffed to find out the surprise was Justin, because let's face it he's controversial, but he's my ultimate guilty pleasure so I was so glad I got to see him live. They also had amazing presenters including: Nick Grimshaw, Demi Lovato, The Vamps, Troye Sivan, Jim Chapman and Rita Ora. 

And of course the whole point of the teen awards is to recognize the amazing work of certain teenagers in the UK who can inspire others. Radio 1 have the difficult job of narrowing it down to 3 teen hero's and this year they were Aaren, Alice, and Rosie. I truly have to say they all deserved their awards. 

I really hope you enjoyed watching my vlog, I'm so sorry I kept shaking throughout, but I couldn't contain my excitement in the atmosphere. The song of the day is Boyfriend from my guilty pleasure Justin Bieber. Who are your favourites from the acts that performed?

Izzy K xxx

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

My First 2 Years On YouTube

As you have probably guessed from the title, I started my YouTube channel on the 11th November 2013 which makes today MY SECOND YOUTUBE BIRTHDAY! Believe me it feels so strange typing those words. 

I know this post is really long so if you want to check the video out instead please do.
 (It includes a cheeky little video montage too!)

I don't think I'll ever be able to put into words how much YouTube means to me or sum up the amazing experience I've had so far, but I'll try (after all that's what this post's all about). Starting a channel had been a dream of mine since I was about 12 years old, but since I'm literally about as shy as you can get I never thought I'd have to confidence to start it. I always overthink everything and I was so worried that if I did start, everyone I knew would find out and say it was a stupid thing to do. But as the days, months and years rolled by I realised that the scariest thing wouldn't be everyone making fun of my channel, it would be the regret I'd have if I never tried it in the first place. So that's when I decided to ignore what everyone else would think, and just do it to have fun and I've never looked back since. 

Initially I was so incredibly nervous about doing YouTube and I would get so camera shy every time I filmed a video. But nowadays it's something I feel so comfortable doing, in fact there's nothing in the world I feel more comfortable doing. I really feel like I've found my hobby in life where I can just relax and truly be myself and not feel judged for it. I feel like within the YouTube community I'm so accepted and I'm surrounded by people who are just like me which is so reassuring on so many levels. There's seriously not a moment in the day where I'm not thinking about YouTube; it's safe to say I'm obsessed. 

I'm fully aware of the fact that within just 1 year some people get thousands and thousands of subscribers, but I have to say I'm chuffed to pieces with my 700 subbies! I would genuinely consider myself close to the majority of my subscribers because I've been involved in such a lovely community of YouTubers and my experience honestly wouldn't have been the same without them. Even if you're subscribed to my channel but we've never spoke, I'd still consider us friends and I want you guys to know that I'm always here for you. I thought I'd be the most hated person on YouTube and all my videos would only get dislikes and no one would subscribe. But to my surprise so many people have been so lovely and I can't even put into proper words how grateful I am :)

To thank everyone for their support I've made 3 promises about my channel for the next year:
  1. I will continue to support you guys- I love finding new YouTubers to watch and I subscribe to so many people especially if I see potential in their channel, love their content and genuinely think they're doing it for the right reason (i.e. not to get rich or famous, simply for the enjoyment). I just know how that one click of a "subscribe" button can make someones day, especially if you can tell they put a lot of effort in but don't get that much recognition. Even if you don't make videos I want to support you by making you happy and giving you any advice that you may need. 
  2. This time next year my videos will be 100% better- My personal channel goal is to make each video better than the last one because I feel like I'm really learning along the way. By this time next year I'll have new lighting, hopefully a new camera and I already have new editing software so I'm hoping my channel will look a lot more professional. 
  3. *cringe alert* I will make you guys proud to be subscribed to my channel- I really want to make it feel worthwhile for you to be subscribed to my channel and I want to make my videos as good as they possibly can be. I promise that I'll continue to surprise you, and believe me I have a LOT of plans for my channel over the next year, and I hope you like them. 

My top 5 favourite videos of the last 2 years:

Expert "Coconut" Carving With Gizzy

I filmed this video with the absolutely lovely Georgie. I have to say that this was the most entertaining video to film to date because the banter we had was unreal! I had to edit like 1 hours worth of footage out which was a shame because I really loved every minute of it. 

The Mum Tag

Again, this video was pretty banterful as my mum is quite the character (hi if you're reading!) Even she enjoyed being in the video after reluctantly taking part and I hope we can film more videos together in the future because I think it went down well. 

Dressing Up And Decorating The Christmas Tree

This video was filmed before ANYONE in my family even knew about my channel, meaning that absolutely none of this was staged which I think adds to the humour. We always dress up for Christmas tree decorating, but I think last year was the best one yet. 

London Vlog

I think it goes without saying that London is my favourite city in the world. I had an amazing day taking my German friend Alina round the city and seeing all the sights. And of course the highlight of the day was Lush Oxford street. I'm glad I have this vlog to remember the day. 

20 things in my room

I can't remember if this was the first video I actually ever posted on my channel, but it's my oldest one that's there now and I remember that it was the first one I ever filmed with the intention of posting. That's why due to the sentimental value of this video, it had to be in my top 5!

It honestly feels so bizarre writing this whole post because I never thought I'd make a video yet alone carry on making them for two years. I'm really looking forward to looking back on this post in a years time and seeing where I am then. The song of the day is The Show by Lenka because I felt like it was absolutely the perfect song to use in the the montage. Thank you sooooooo much for all the incredible support, I'll never be able to thank you guys enough and I honestly don't know how I could possible deserve all this! I seriously can't wait to see what awaits me in my 3rd year on youtube, 

Izzy K xxx

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

My Autumn Favourites

If you have been reading my blog/watching my videos since the Summer you will know that I've just started doing Seasonal favourites.

I hope you enjoy watching

This was my second ever favourites video and to be honest they're some of my favourite videos to film because I could talk about the things I love all day long. So here are my youtube, Netflix and makeup favourites from the Autumn. 

I really hope you enjoyed watching and finding out a bit more about what I've been loving recently. The song of the day is Sorry by Justin Bieber #sorrynotsorry. What are some of your Autumn favourites, please let me know in the comments! 

Izzy K xxx

Sunday, 1 November 2015

The Fall Favourites Tag

Hello you lovely bunch, today I have a lovely little tag for you that suits this time of year very well. I was tagged by my lovely YouTube friend Beth Hurford and you can check out her video here! She is truly such a lovely person and please do yourself a favour by checking out her channel :)

I have to mention that although I was happy with the way I answered the questions, I wasn't happy with the way it turned out. The lighting was pretty awful, the camera kept going out of focus and I looked like a hot mess in the video. It turned out pretty shockingly if I'm honest :( But I didn't have time to refilm it and I really wanted to get the video up since Beth was lovely enough to tag me and I told her I already filmed it. 

The questions, if you want to try the tag yourself, are what is your:
  • Favourite candle 
  • Favourite lip colour
  • Favourite drink
  • Favourite blush
  • Favourite clothing item
  • Favourite fall movie
  • Favourite fall TV show
  • Favourite Thanksgiving food
  • Favourite Halloween costume
I hope you were able to watch the video, the video quality gets better towards the end of the video I promise! The song of the day is The Remains Of The Day from the movie The Corpse Bride. What are some of your fall favourites, let me know in the comments! 

Izzy K xxx