Saturday, 21 February 2015

15 Random Questions Tag

I really seem to enjoy watching and making tag videos so I searched for a new one to try. I came across the 15 random/weird questions tag and loved the questions in it.

Here is the video itself!

You can check out the video to see what my answers were. Here are the questions if you want to give it a go yourself:
  1. What's a nickname only your family calls you?
  2. What's a weird habit of yours?
  3. Do you have any weird phobias?
  4. What's a song you secretly love to blast & belt out when you're alone?
  5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves?
  6. What's one of your nervous habits?
  7. What side of the bed do you sleep on?
  8. What was your first stuffed animal & its name?
  9. What's the drink you always order at Starbucks?
  10. What's the beauty rule you preach, but never actually practice?
  11. Which way do you face in the shower?
  12. Do you have any weird body skills?
  13. What's your favourite comfort food that's "bad" but you love to eat it anyway?
  14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say?
  15. Time to sleep! What are you actually wearing?

Thank you very much for watching/reading. The song of the day is Single Ladies by Beyonce because it features in this video as "my jam" xxx

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Beau Bloggers Post of The Month: International Fashion

Every month on the blogging community Beau Bloggers there is a new theme that members can participate in if they wish. This month's theme happened to be "International Fashion" which I thought was really fascinating to write about.

As I already have a second blog Izzy K: Fashion & Reviews, it would make sense to write about it there rather than on my personal lifestyle blog. 

This post was called "Style Appreciation: Meghan Trainor vs Sprinkle Of Glitter". Meghan Trainor is an American singer whereas Louise is a British YouTuber. Despite growing up in different environments, they both seem to have a similar style. I really admire their look so I thought it would be fun to analyse it and see where they may have also influenced each other. 

Beau Bloggers Posts Of The Month are great fun to get involved in, as is being involved in the community itself. The more joining and writing posts the merrier. 

Thank you for reading this little post. The song of the day is Lips Are Movin which is by the woman herself, Meghan Trainor

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

The Small Blogger's Appreciation Award

I was nominated to do this fun tag style post which was invented by the wonderful blogger Louleecutie. She has an amazing blog and you can check out her post here!

The Rules:
  1. Answer all of the questions honestly
  2. Link every blogger you mention
  3. Try not to mention the same blogger more than twice (promote as many people as possible!)
  4. Nominate/tag everyone you mention (and everyone else you like!)
  5. A the end, give someone your "small blogger appreciation award"
  6. You have to tag at least 5 people, but the more the better!
  7. Let people know they've been tagged (or won your award) by commenting on their blogs


Who tagged/nominated you

The wonderful Louleecutie, who is actually the creator of this tag!

Pick one: Beauty/lifestyle or fashion!

Lifestyle-simply because I never seem to run out of ideas for it. If I have a fun day I always enjoy writing about it on my blog. Don't get me wrong, I love blogging about beauty and fashion but I feel a little inexperienced in it. 

Who is your blogging bestie?

Georgie is the best blogging friend that I know in real life. She is amazing and I know for a fact I would't be blogging with such confidence if it wasn't for her support. 

Lauren is the best and first proper friend I made through blogging. I can always rely on her if I have any worries about my blog or in general and I hope she knows she can do the same to me. I wouldn't be having this much fun blogging if I never met her.

Who is your favourite blogger with under 200 followers?

Eve Walton. She is so close to 200 followers and I know she'll reach that mile stone soon and then go even further. She really deserves all her followers. 

Who deserves more followers?

Tyana Yasmeen and Harrieex. I can tell they work really hard on their blogs and put all the time and effort into it that they can. Well done guys!

Link the best post you've read this week!

I really enjoyed looking at Professional Daydreamer's post about her GCSE art. It's great and much better than anything I could do. Check it out here!

Who do you want to mention, just because you love them?

Chloe Dream, Christina Peake, Courtney Ansell, Erin L, Just Another Girl, Lilliana Hill, Lisa Vdd, Megan McMahon, The Memories, Vicky Wright, Y asmina, Zoe Meg, Jadiee Bevan and xImmortalMindsx

These are all members of Beau Bloggers and are all the most supportive people you could ever imagine. 

Which blogger could you see being famous one day?

Definitely Lauren Williams! She is one of the most talented people I know and I have no doubt that she'll be a world famous singer/artist/blogger/fashion designer. Keep up the great work girl. 

Whose blog would you like to guest-post on?

Anyone on Beau Bloggers. I simply adore all their blogs and it would be an honor to write a guest post for them. 

Who was the first person you followed with under 500 followers?

That would be the wonderful BellaBoo. And to this day I'm still a huge fan of everything she has writen. 

Who was the last person you followed with under 500 followers?

Esmee B. I'm so glad I started following her blog because I absoluetly adore it. 

Link the last post you read (not including this one)

Carolyn Bell's post about Novels by Rusty Clanton. Like the rest of her blog, its great and you can check it out here. 

Whose blog do you read daily?

Harel Ziv. I read her blog whenever she posts because she has a great style of writing and always seems to have such great blogging ideas.

Whose blog makes you the most happy?

Sophie Alice Lowery. I think she has the cutest little blog and you can just tell how truly sweet she is from reading it. 

If you could give 1 million followers to any blogger, who would it be?

Georgie Watts. She has such an amazing blog and I know she loves blogging so much. It would be so amazing to see her have 1 million followers. 

Who do you give your "Small Blogger Appreiation Award" to?

Its gonna have to be Louleecutie. This was one of the most enjoyable post's I have ever written and I really like the idea of it promoting smaller bloggers. To say thank you for nominating me and for having such an amazing blog by putting so much hard work in, I give her my "Small Blogger Appreciation Award". It's well deserved after all. 

I tag everyone I've mentioned in this post.

Thank you so much for reading. The song of the day is Immortals by Fall Out Boy. Well done to everyone who I've mentioned in this post. I hope it shows that I really adore reading all your blogs xxx